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How to grow your business through inbound leads

This short video is part of a series from JWS Sales Consultants on how companies can grow their business through inbound leads. This part looks at the importance and ease of using Google my Business / Google Local.

Unveiling the Mirage: Why New Sales Hires Miss the Mark (and How to Fix It)

The hiring scene in sales can be a whirlwind. Aspiring reps, eager to impress, might exaggerate their capabilities, guided by well-meaning but possibly misguided recruitment agencies. On the other side, companies, laser-focused on immediate impact, prioritize inflated promises over fundamental sales skills. The result? A revolving door of new hires who underperform, leaving everyone frustrated and questioning the talent pool. 

But before we write off these "underachievers," let's take a step back. Is the issue truly with the individuals, or is there a systemic flaw in our approach to sales recruitment?

The Mirage of Exaggerated Expectations:

Recruitment agencies, incentivized by placements, can inadvertently fuel the fire of unrealistic expectations. Their coaching might lead candidates to inflate their past achievements or downplay the nuances of a new role. This creates a "mirage" of immediate success, often based on promises rather than demonstrable skills.

Beyond the Promise: Unveiling the Essential Skills:

Instead of solely focusing on promised deliverables, hiring managers should prioritize identifying core sales competencies. These include:

  • Product Expertise: A deep understanding of the product or service is paramount. Can the candidate articulate its value proposition and navigate technical queries with confidence?

  • Communication Mastery: Sales is about building rapport and conveying ideas clearly. Assess the candidate's ability to actively listen, ask insightful questions, and tailor their communication style to different audiences.

  • Negotiation Acumen: The ability to navigate objections, find win-win solutions, and close deals is crucial. Evaluate the candidate's past negotiation experience and their approach to challenging conversations.

  • Resilience and Adaptability: The sales landscape is dynamic. Look for candidates who demonstrate a growth mindset, the ability to learn from setbacks, and adapt their strategies to evolving situations.

  • Data-Driven Mindset: Today's sales professionals leverage data to personalize pitches, track progress, and optimize their approach. Assess the candidate's comfort with data analysis and their willingness to use it to inform their decisions.

Building a Sustainable Sales Force:

By shifting the focus from inflated promises to core skills, companies can build a sales force equipped for long-term success. Here's how:

  • Implement Skills-Based Assessments: Go beyond the interview. Utilize skills assessments that evaluate communication, negotiation, and data analysis abilities to gain an objective picture of the candidate's capabilities.

  • Prioritize Behavioral Interviewing: Explore the candidate's past experiences using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to uncover concrete examples of their skills in action.

  • Invest in Onboarding and Coaching: Don't expect new hires to hit the ground running. Provide comprehensive onboarding that equips them with product knowledge, sales processes, and the tools they need to succeed. Offer ongoing coaching and mentorship to support their development.

By moving beyond the "promise mirage" and focusing on core skills, companies can build a sales force that delivers sustained results. Remember, exceptional salespeople are not born; they are nurtured through a focus on skills, training, and development. Let's stop chasing mirages and start building a sales force that delivers on the true promise of success.

Need help boosting your sales contact JWS Logistics Sales Consultants who, connect shippers with carriers.


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